[AI Security] VFLIP: A Backdoor Defense for Vertical Federated Learning via Identification and Purification, ESORICS 2024

VFLIP: A Backdoor Defense for Vertical Federated Learning via Identification and Purification

Yungi Cho, Woorim Han, Miseon Yu, Younghan Lee, Ho Bae* and Yunheung Paek*

European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2024

∗ : Correspondence should be addressed to H. Bae and Y. Peak


International Papers

Privacy Enhancing Computing LOHEN: Layer-wise Optimizations for Neural Network Inferences over Encrypted Data with high Performance or Accuracy, USENIX Security 2025
AI Security VFLIP: A Backdoor Defense for Vertical Federated Learning via Identification and Purification, ESORICS 2024
HW Security An Efficient Hardware/Software Co-design for FALCON on Low-End Embedded Systems, IEEE Access, April 2024
SW Security MetaSafe: Compiling for Protecting Smart Pointer Metadata to Ensure Safe Rust Integrity, USENIX Security 2024
HW Security Optimizing Hardware Resource Utilization for Accelerating the NTRU-KEM Algorithm, Computers, Dec 2023
SW Security KVSEV: Secure In-Memory Key-Value Store on AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization, SoCC 2023
AI Security FLGuard: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning via Ensemble of Contrastive Models, ESORICS 2023
SW Security ZOMETAG: Zone-based Memory Tagging for Fast, Deterministic Detection of Spatial Memory Violations on ARM, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (Impact Factor: 7.23)
HW Security Area-Efficient Accelerator for the Full NTRU-KEM Algorithm, ICCSA 2023
AI Security Exploring Clustered Federated Learning’s Vulnerability against Property Inference Attack, RAID 2023
Application Specific Architectures Modeling and Library Support for Early-stage Exploration of Sparse Tensor Accelerator Designs, IEEE Access, May 2023
SW Security SFITAG: Efficient Software Fault Isolation with Memory Tagging for ARM Kernel Extensions, ASIACCS 2023
SW Security TRUST: A compilation framework for in-process isolation to protect safe rust against untrusted code, USENIX Security 2023
SW Security Practical Binary Code Similarity Detection with BERT-based Transferable Similarity Learning, ACSAC 2022
HW Security Accelerating N-bit Operations over TFHE on Commodity CPU-FPGA, ICCAD 2022
SW Security Exploring Effective Uses of the Tagged Memory for Reducing Bounds Checking Overheads (early access), The Journal of Supercomputing, July 2022
AI Security Precise Extraction of Deep Learning Models via Side-Channel Attacks on Edge/Endpoint Devices, ESORICS 2022
AI Security A pilot study of machine-learning-based algorithms to assist integrated care for older community-dwelling adults, Computers, Informatics, Nursing (CIN), Feb 2022
AI Security A Data Embedding Scheme for Efficient Program Behavior Modeling with Neural Networks (early access), IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (Impact Factor: 8.28), May 2022
HW Security A Hardware Platform for Ensuring OS Kernel Integrity on RISC-V, MDPI Electronics, August 2021